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Setting up steps and attachments

I am trying to setup allure2 for our integration tests, but somethings are not going well.

The TestNG listener is working fine, since the allure-results folder is being filled up. The annotations like @Step and @Attachment do not work.

The same problems with the examples from

Important part of pom.xml:

    <dependencies> <dependency>

The jvm arguments are passed correctly AND the path is actually pointing to my aspectjweaver jar.


  • I only see surefire plugin used in all the examples. Could this be the reason?
  • How should I debug this further?
  • Can I setup my pom differently to prevent this problem? For example load the aspectj dependency differently.


  • The problem is that argLine is not applied when forkCount is 0.

    If you really need to disable forking there is two ways to fix that problem:

    1. Configure AspectJ Weaver in MAVEN_OPTS. In that case all the maven code will be weaved, so you may need to add extra aop.xml and specify classes/packages that need to be weaved.
    2. Use AspectJ compiler plugin instead of weaver.