I am trying to replicate some code, but am running into trouble:
has values from 1-7 which I am trying to reduce to just 2 value in a new variable called data$var2
. The code looks like this:
data$var2 <- recode(data$var1, "1:3=1; else=0")
However, when I execute code, I get the following error:
"Error: Argument 2 must be named, not unnamed"
I'm working in the latest version of R and using the Tidyverse package.
What am I missing? What does 'Argument 2 unnamed' mean?
I would advise using ifelse
data$var2 <- ifelse(data$var1 < 4, 1, 0)
Your use of recode
is wrong:
data$var2<- recode(data$var1, "1:3=1; else=0")
Instead of several arguments [name]=[replacement]
you provided only one string. For more information read help('recode')
"Correct" way with recode
would be something like
data$var2 <- recode(data$var1, `1` = 1, `2` = 1, `3` = 1, .default = 0)
But you should stick with ifelse
in this case.