i'm working with pandas, and im trying to convert the first row of the dataframe to a column, i have tried the stack() function, but it looks like f%#¤ed. I cannot really use stack() since i have columns of different headers. let's say, your data frame looks like following: (red box: how my dataframe looks like (yellow box: how i want my dataframe to look like)
I'm gratefull if you can help me.
I think you need:
df = df.stack().rename_axis(('a','b','c')).reorder_levels([2,0,1]).sort_index()
print (df)
c a b
2014 A A1 1
A1 9
B B1 9
B2 1
2015 A A1 5
A1 4
B B1 1
B2 7
2016 A A1 5
A1 1
B B1 6
B2 7
dtype: int64
And if need columns
from Multiindex
df = df.stack()
print (df)
c a b count
0 2014 A A1 1
1 2014 A A1 9
2 2014 B B1 9
3 2014 B B2 1
4 2015 A A1 5
5 2015 A A1 4
6 2015 B B1 1
7 2015 B B2 7
8 2016 A A1 5
9 2016 A A1 1
10 2016 B B1 6
11 2016 B B2 7
There is problem you need convert first and second column to Multiindex
by parameter index_col
tab3 = "C:\\Users\\abk29\\NordicMontlyDemand\\NordicDY\\Book1.xls"
df = pd.read_excel(tab3, sheetname="Sheet1", skiprows=2, index_col=[0,1])
print (df)
2016 2017 2018
Unnamed: 1
A A1 1 1 1
A2 2 2 2
B B1 3 3 3
B2 4 4 4
df = df.stack().rename_axis(('a','b','c')).reorder_levels([2,0,1]).sort_index()
print (df)
c a b
2016 A A1 1
A2 2
B B1 3
B2 4
2017 A A1 1
A2 2
B B1 3
B2 4
2018 A A1 1
A2 2
B B1 3
B2 4
dtype: int64