I'm trying out Artillery.io (http://artillery.io) as a load and performance tool, but I can't seem to get the debugging working.
I'm seeing the output and reports get generated, but for certain HTTP responses (404/401/500.x) I want to see the packets sent and responses received retrospectively.
The documentation at https://artillery.io/docs/debugging.html#logging-everything says that I can run
set DEBUG=http,http:capture,http:response
and then launch my script using the run command (I'm on Windows).
This makes no difference at all, there is no tracing of packets sent/received in either the console or the generated report.
Anyone know how to get artillery to trace out what its doing, request by request and response? Preferably added to the report file, but I'll take console alone if I have to.
Was running this from a powershell console. Dropped down to good old CMD and it works as documented.