I am using UmbracoCMS 7.6.2 in one of my site.
Today when I tried to login in Umbraco backoffice using mysite/umbraco, will my working credential, it shows me error:
Login failed for user admin
As, login for 'Admin' was working fine till today and suddenly stops working.
I checked the console of the browser and getting following error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request) umbraco/backoffice/UmbracoApi/Authentication/PostLogin
I check the log files and getting following error:
Umbraco.Core.Security.BackOfficeSignInManager - Event Id: 0, state: Login attempt failed for username admin from IP address, the user is locked
it finally working.
I've change the useLegacyEncoding="false" to true and it starts working normally.