After I added Google Tag Manager to the project I see lots its log entries in the console. Is there a way to disable it? Console log is full of noise:
GoogleTagManager info: Processing logged event: _vs with parameters: {
"_o" = auto;
"_pc" = UIViewController;
"_pi" = "-3988739357756819671";
"_sc" = "Bubbie.MamboBamboViewController";
"_si" = "-3988739357756819670";
2017-07-27 12:01:09.744 BubbieHuff[77205:6894827] GoogleTagManager info: Processing logged event: show_view with parameters: {
"_sc" = "Bubbie.MamboBamboViewController";
"_si" = "-3988739357756819670";
name = Mambo;
I just had this problem in a project that combines Google Tag Manager and Firebase. Since no header about logging is exposed I couldn't find a way to turn it off.
This is a monkey patch I came up with that lets you control the info logs from GTM.
+ (void)patchGoogleTagManagerLogging {
Class class = NSClassFromString(@"TAGLogger");
SEL originalSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"info:");
SEL detourSelector = @selector(detour_info:);
Method originalMethod = class_getClassMethod(class, originalSelector);
Method detourMethod = class_getClassMethod([self class], detourSelector);
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, detourMethod);
+ (void)detour_info:(NSString*)message {
return; // Disable logging