I have some rows in a table and need to transfer them to another table. In the destination table i need also to add a field with an incremental value.
I'm doing the following, but i know that something in the insert is wrong, because the incremented value (intCodInterno) is always the same:
INSERT INTO Emp_VISOT.dbo.TBL_GCE_ARTIGOS ( strCodigo , strDescricao , intCodInterno , intCodTaxaIvaCompra , intCodTaxaIvaVenda , strCodCategoria , strAbrevMedStk , strAbrevMedVnd , strAbrevMedCmp , bitAfectaIntrastat )( SELECT A.Artigo , a.Descricao , IDENT_CURRENT('Emp_VISOT.dbo.TBL_GCE_ARTIGOS')+1, '3' , '3' , '1' , 'Un' , 'Un' , 'Un' , '0' FROM PRIVESAM.DBO.Artigo A)
What do i need to change so the value is incremented correcty?
Thank you.
I made a small change in the query, and now it works. I just insert a SELECT in the IDENT_CURRENT inside brackets:
I got all the rows that i need from the old table to the new with the incremented value.
evaluated once when you want to run the query and all the rows will get the same id.
first solution is to iterate over the select result by a loop construct like cursor or whatsoever and insert the incremented index(you do that)
second solution is to make that column in destination table identity