I am trying to generate a heatmap in MATLAB but unable to change the font size of the yticklabels. I am unable to find a function through which I can set the font-size of the whole object.
I tried to set font size of the whole figure using:
set(gca, 'fontsize', 18)
However, this is also not working. Following is the code and the generated figure.
df = randi(10,5,20);
labely = {'Room-1', 'Room-2', 'Room-3', 'Room-4', 'Room-5'};
HMobj = HeatMap(df, 'RowLabels', labely, 'Colormap', 'redbluecmap');
HMobj.addXLabel('Time of Day', 'FontSize', 18);
There is no simple and straightforward way to do that. But it's not so complicated.
First, make all figure handles visible, so you can access all properties:
Next, get the handle to the axes of the heat map:
h = findobj('Tag','HeatMapAxes');
Now, you can change what you want:
h.YAxis.FontSize = 18
% or if you want to set the font size of all text in the figure: