I am using ApiGen 5.0.0-RC3, and I cannot figure out how to get it to search for .class
files and .inc
files as well as .php
My question is twofold: firstly, is it possible to get ApiGen to recognize .class
files, and secondly, if it is possible, how would one go about it?
I found a way... but it's pretty hacky. I'm posting it here in the hopes that it might be able to help someone else.
The solution is not actually in ApiGen, but in roave/better-reflection. Specifically, in the file src/SourceLocator/Type/FileIteratorSourceLocator.php
, in the method getAggregatedSourceLocator
, in an anonymous function.
private function getAggregatedSourceLocator() : AggregateSourceLocator
return $this->aggregateSourceLocator ?: new AggregateSourceLocator(array_values(array_filter(array_map(
function (\SplFileInfo $item) : ?SingleFileSourceLocator {
- if (! ($item->isFile() && pathinfo($item->getRealPath(), \PATHINFO_EXTENSION) === 'php')) {
return null;
return new SingleFileSourceLocator($item->getRealPath());
private function getAggregatedSourceLocator() : AggregateSourceLocator
return $this->aggregateSourceLocator ?: new AggregateSourceLocator(array_values(array_filter(array_map(
function (\SplFileInfo $item) : ?SingleFileSourceLocator {
+ $flag = in_array(pathinfo($item->getRealPath(), \PATHINFO_EXTENSION), ['php', 'class']);
+ if (! ($item->isFile() && $flag)) {
return null;
return new SingleFileSourceLocator($item->getRealPath());
Works as of commit 47b76f7, version something