I assigned the dataframe to itself by reversing its index. But when I call it again, it's showing the old dataframe without reversing it.
apple = apple.reindex(index = apple.index[::-1])
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
For me it works nice.
apple = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(10, size=(3,4)),
print (apple)
a b c d
A 3 0 5 3
B 4 9 8 1
C 5 9 6 8
apple = apple.reindex(index = apple.index[::-1])
print (apple)
a b c d
C 5 9 6 8
B 4 9 8 1
A 3 0 5 3
Another solution with DataFrame.iloc
apple = apple.iloc[::-1]
print (apple)
a b c d
C 5 9 6 8
B 4 9 8 1
A 3 0 5 3