You are given two sorted arrays A and B (size can vary from 1 to 10^5), having elements in range of (1,10^5). You are also given an array C of size Highest element in A + Highest element in B, with all elements 0 initially. Now, we have to update C like this:
for i in A:
for j in B:
C[i+j] += 1
And have to find out final C.
Time Limit: 1sec (So Time Complexity should not be n^2)
A = [2,4]
B = [1,3]
Then C would be = [0,0,1,0,2,0,1] (assuming 1th indexed)
I am not sure from where I should start. I tried to think a way so that we could increase more than 1 in C at a time, But could not find it. For a moment I was thinking in this way, Assume A as binary string: "0101" and we are shifting It by elements in B, But again this is not leading anywhere too.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
If you think of your initial arrays as a histogram, then the output is given as a convolution of the two input histograms.
You can use the fast fourier transform to perform this convolution in O(nlogn) time.
For example, in Python:
import scipy.signal
def hist(X):
"""Prepare a histogram of X"""
h = [0]*(max(X)+1)
for x in X:
h[x] += 1
return h
A = [2,4]
B = [1,3]
print scipy.signal.fftconvolve(hist(A),hist(B))
With arrays of length 10^5, this only takes 0.05 seconds on my computer.