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Add hostname to monitor MongoDB Replica Set in Icinga2

I have a distributed Mongodb setup and I'm trying to configure it with Icinga2 using the following link as reference,

As mine is a distributed setup, Icinga should connect to Mongodb along with hostname parameter as,

mongo -h ipaddress

Without this, Icinga2 dashboard shows the following error for all the MongoDB monitoring services,

CRITICAL - Connection to Mongo server on has failed

How do I configure my Icinga2 setup to use hostname in the command?


  • Finally got it working, pretty simple, just had to set the variable value for mongodb_address using the following,

    apply Service "Mongodb Connection" {
      check_command = "mongodb"
      command_endpoint = host.vars.client_endpoint
      vars.mongodb_address = "$address$"
      assign where host.vars.client_endpoint && host.vars.os == "MongoOnLinux"

    Here, $address$ is in built variable for host IP Address