I revisited AngularJS after a long. Pleased to see they've gone ahead with components. I am trying to make use of components in my project.
I have few child component states that require access to parent component state. Basically an object will be shared across all child states. I am unable to achieve that with components.
Here's how the structure looks like -
name: 'wizard',
url: '/wizard',
component: 'wizard',
redirectTo: 'wizard.init'
name: 'wizard.init',
url: '/init',
component: 'init'
name: 'wizard.customize',
url: '/customize',
component: 'customize'
name: 'wizard.finish',
url: '/finish',
component: 'finish'
There is an object / variable called $ctrl.settings
in wizard component which I want to be shared across all it's child states.
I tried doing something like this -
<div ui-view settings="settings">
And accessing them in child components like this -
var app = angular.module('app');
app.component('init', {
controller: WizInit,
bindings : {
'settings' : '='
function WizInit(){
var $ctrl = this;
$ctrl.$onInit = function(){
console.log("init Start Step");
$ctrl.WizInit= "start";
But I get undefined in every state even though I have assigned it to some value in parent component /wizard
How can I make it work with components and ui-router?
Never mind,
Solved it on my own. I just had to add $ctrl
in ui-view
directive of parent component state..
<div ui-view settings="$ctrl.settings">
Drawback of working late. You are not productive enough sometimes.