I am currently trying to increment a uistepper and change its value based on its current value. The uistepper is supposed to act as a time keeper. It increments by 5 minutes until it reaches 60 minutes, where it then increments by 60 minutes. Once it reaches 120 minutes, I want the stepper to increment by 1440 minutes which is 1 day. My code is having issues, however, and another problem I'm running into is decrementing the stepper so that you can go from a day back down to an hour and then back down to minutes.
This is my code right now:
func stepperValueChanged(stepper: UIStepper) {
var value = Int(stepper.value)
stepper.minimumValue = 0
if (stepper.value != 0 && stepper.value <= 60) {
stepper.stepValue = 5
stepper.value -= 5
stepper.value += 5
value = Int(stepper.value)
reminderSubLabel.text = "\(value) minutes before"
if stepper.value == 60 {
reminderSubLabel.text = "\(value / 60) hour before"
} else if stepper.value >= 60 && stepper.value <= 180 {
if stepper.value == 60 {
reminderSubLabel.text = "\(value / 60) hour before"
stepper.value -= 5
stepper.value += 60
} else {
//stepper.value = 120
value = Int(stepper.value / 60)
stepper.stepValue = 60
stepper.value -= 60
stepper.value += 60
reminderSubLabel.text = "\(value) hours before"
if stepper.value == 120 {
stepper.value = 1440
stepper.value -= 1320
stepper.value += 1440
//stepper.stepValue = 1320
if stepper.value == 0 {
stepper.stepValue = 5
stepper.value = 0
reminderSubLabel.text = "At the time of the event"
stepper.minimumValue = 0
stepper.maximumValue = 20160
You should not bind to the value property of UIStepper. Try use sort of abstraction where value of stepper is x and value you need in minutes is y. All you need is to implement y = f(x) in stepperValueChanged(stepper:). It's pretty simple if step is 1.
var minutes = 0
@IBAction func stepperValueChanged(_ stepper: UIStepper) {
let value = Int(stepper.value)
var minutes = 0
for step in 0..<value {
if step <= 11 {
minutes += 5
} else if step <= 12 {
minutes += 60
} else {
minutes += 1440
self.minutes = minutes