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I want to make a app which can extract information from the chat and add entry in calendar for specific messages using natural language processing

I want to make a app which can extract information from the chat and add entry in calendar for specific messages using natural language processing.

for example if we get message something like this in our chat app "Meet me today at 8:00 pm on xyz street."

then our app should make entry in calendar for time, location and title of an event.

So please suggest me how to proceed and what give idea about brief steps to implement this using natural language processing.


  • First, for identifying patterns in text, I would recommend a look into regular expressions(Regex), I don't know what environment you are working with, but grep is the standard command line interface for it. This is a good place to start learning Regex.

    Python is also a good language to deal with string manipulation and/or regex given it's simplicity. A basic knowledge in Regex+Python can solve your problem in a couple of lines.

    I also don't know which calendar you want to create the entry on but there is a google calendar API for python here.

    Good luck!