I'm working through chapter 7 – Inductive Types of "Theorem Proving in Lean".
I'd like to know how to write the definition of dependent non-dependent product in a more expanded or "primitive" form.
It looks like the definition given in the tutorial automatically infers some detail:
inductive prod1 (α : Type u) (β : Type v)
| mk : α → β → prod1
Some experimentation allows to fill in the detail
inductive prod2 (α : Type u) (β : Type v) : Type (max u v)
| mk : α → β → prod2
However giving the definition in a fully expand form, using Pi types fails to typecheck:
inductive prod3 : Π (α : Type u) (β : Type v), Type (max u v)
| mk : α → β → prod3
What is the correct way to write prod3
Finally, is the following definition equivalent to prod1
and prod2
, i.e. can the type checker always infer the correct type universe for α
and β
inductive prod4 (α : Type) (β : Type)
| mk : α → β → prod4
First off, note that there is nothing dependent about your types. Dependent product is just another name for the Pi type itself (the Pi deriving from the usual mathematical notation for indexed products).
Your prod2
type is the correct maximally explicit version of prod1
. In prod3
, you changed α and β from inductive parameters to indices, which as you noticed doesn't work out for universe-related reasons. In general, indices are used to define inductive type families as in section 7.7.
Finally, the atomic Type
you used in prod4
is an abbreviation of Type 1
. You can use Type*
to have universe parameters inferred automatically.