I am trying to separate my top level messages to sub messages and hence i did:
type GeneratorMsg
= BoidsGenerated (List Boid)
| ColoursGenerated (List Color)
type Msg
= Tick Time
| UpdateWorld Window.Size
| GeneratorMsg
However, in my main update function when I use the BoidsGenerated message Elm thinks that it is of type GeneratorMsg which is correct. In the same time though - in my mind -, it is of type Msg.
Is there a way to be able to handle Msg and GeneratorMsg interchangeably? Basically, i want to split my update function to smaller functions but I want everything that has to do with generated stuff to be handled by 1 separate function. Then that function will have cases for BoidsGenerated and ColoursGenerated msgs. --- thanks
What you have here is a collision of names. You have a type called GeneratorMsg
as well as a constructor called GeneratorMsg
of a different type (Msg
The way you have defined the GeneratorMsg
constructor of Msg
, it is parameterless and contains no payload of information. You need to define a parameter to carry the GeneratorMsg
type Msg
= Tick Time
| UpdateWorld Window.Size
| GeneratorMsg GeneratorMsg
You could then handle the updates in a separate function but you'll have to Cmd.map
to wrap up the GeneratorMsg
into a Msg
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
GeneratorMsg gmsg ->
( gmodel, newMsg ) =
updateGenerator gmsg model
(gmodel, Cmd.map GeneratorMsg newMsg)
_ ->
updateGenerator : GeneratorMsg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd GeneratorMsg )
updateGenerator gmsg model =
case gmsg of
BoidsGenerated boids ->
ColoursGenerated colours ->