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bash for loop with error when detecting non 200 response from curl

I got a bash script which reads URLs from different .txt files (ven Array defines the txt files) and I curl them and if the Response Code is not 200 it writes an error in error.txt

Sadly it always does it at the end, even if there is no error in any of the links, any idea why?

for i in "${ven[@]}"; do
        while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
                        IP=$(curl --write-out '%{http_code}' --silent --output /dev/null $line?upstream=$1)
                                if [ $IP != 200 ]
                                counter=$((counter + 1))
                                echo $(date +"%d.%m.%y %T") : $line >> error.txt
        done < $i


  • Your script has some quoting issues, although the main issue is the inconsistent use of test expression brackets (double vs. single) and how you are checking for the number.

    if [[ "$IP" -ne 200 ]]

    -ne means "not equal", and since you've already used double brackets stay consistent.

    The other stuff is more preventative in the way you quote the variables:

    for i in "${ven[@]}"; do
        while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
            IP=$(curl --write-out '%{http_code}' --silent --output /dev/null "$line?upstream=$1")
            if [[ "$IP" -ne 200 ]]; then
                counter=$((counter + 1))
                echo "$(date +'%d.%m.%y %T')" : "$line" >> error.txt
        done < "$i"

    NOTE: If a site is redirecting ( 301 ) then it will show an error — something to maybe consider.