How can I pivot the result of a App Insights analytics query?
For example i would like to have a value-column for every cloud_RoleInstace
| where timestamp > todatetime("2017-07-24T13:44:00.251Z")
and timestamp < todatetime("2017-07-24T13:49:00.251Z")
| where name in ("% Processor Time")//, "Request Execution Time")
| sort by timestamp asc nulls last
| project timestamp, value, cloud_RoleInstance
yes, just add
| evaluate pivot(cloud_RoleInstance)
or possibly more complicated but maybe more correct:
| summarize value=sum(value) by bin(timestamp, 1m), cloud_RoleInstance
| evaluate pivot(cloud_RoleInstance, sum(value))
to your query :)
also, you can simplify the time part of your query to use the between
| where timestamp between(todatetime("2017-07-24T13:44:00.251Z")..todatetime"2017-07-24T13:49:00.251Z")