I have the following method:
public class ParentalControlInteractor {
public Single<Boolean> isPinSet() {
return bamSdk.getPinManager().isPINSet();
I want to call this function to run once, then repeat every minute until infinity but this seems clumsy:
.doOnError(throwable -> {
Timber.e(throwable,"Error getting if Pin is set");
.subscribe(isPinSet -> {
this.isPinSet = isPinSet;
Timber.d("Pin is set = " + isPinSet.toString());
Isn't there a better way to do it? I'm using RxJava2. Also, the method above only calls it 10000 times. I want to call it forever, like using Handler.postDelayed().
It turns out this is doing the job:
.doOnError(throwable -> {
Timber.e(throwable,"Error getting if Pin is set");
.subscribe(isPinSet -> {
this.isPinSet = isPinSet;
Timber.d("Pin is set = " + isPinSet.toString());