This part of my script is trying to spawn a child that is going to clone a hard drive. It basically works but the issue that I am having is that when I encounter an error and want to store the output, it only stores the first line of the output, excluding the things that I actually need. I have run the command outside of the script and it gives me two lines of output, with the second line being the error if it fails. So, how could I store the entire output. Help is much appreciated, thank you!
NtfsPartition.prototype.WriteFs = function(filename, progress, success, error) {
console.log('Writing NTFS FS');
var s = spawn("ntfsclone", ['--restore-image', '--overwrite',, filename]);
var err_msg = '';
s.on('error', function(err) {
err_msg = err;
s.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
err_msg += data.toString();
s.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
var match = data.toString().match(kNtfsWriteFsProgressRegex);
if(!match) {
s.on('exit', function(code) {
if(code != 0) {
return error('Error: ' + code + ' - ' + err_msg);
To answer your question, I can't actually test this, but I suspect that removing the s.stderr.on('data', ...)
handler will allow you to ensure that err_msg
is an Error
Also taking note of this warning:
Note: The
event may or may not fire after an error has occurred. When listening to both the'exit'
events, it is important to guard against accidentally invoking handler functions multiple times.
I could see a possible solution looking like this:
NtfsPartition.prototype.WriteFs = function(filename, progress, success, error) {
console.log('Writing NTFS FS');
var s = spawn("ntfsclone", ['--restore-image', '--overwrite',, filename]);
var errors = [];
// if possible, might get multiple of these
// if not, this still works for a single error
s.on('error', function(err) {
s.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
var match = data.toString().match(kNtfsWriteFsProgressRegex);
if(!match) {
// guaranteed to be called, whereas 'exit' is not(?)
s.on('close', function(code) {
if(code != 0) {
var stacks = (err) {
return err.stack;
// all the errors
return error('Error: ' + code + '\n\n' + stacks.join('\n\n'))
One of the keys is to use the error.stack
property, since errors typically tend to log the message
property instead by default, when coerced to a string. This property is probably the single-line feedback you were getting in your code, since you never checked the err_msg.stack