Am trying to create a polymer web component out of mapbox-gl-js.
I want to set the circle-color paint property ( with a property on a Polymer Custom Element, but this property can be a string OR an object, see :
"circle-color": "#ff0"
or in the case of a data-driven property
"circle-color": {
"property": "temperature",
"stops": [
// "temperature" is 0 -> circle color will be blue
[0, 'blue'],
// "temperature" is 100 -> circle color will be red
[100, 'red']
so what should I use in the properties function of the Polymer component ? String or Object ?
class XCustom extends Polymer.Element {
static get properties() {
return {
circle-color: String,
// or circle-color: Object ?
customElements.define('x-custom', XCustom);
Thanks for your help ! (and I've checked, it doesn't do the job)
It doesn't really matter. You can store both, but for clarity, store it as an object and, if the variable is a string, make it into an object.