I'm using Pentaho's Kettle/Spoon to load a Customer. I can't figure out how to join 2 or more transformations together after they're complete
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A | B
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Insert Data
(Database Alpha)
Source Data
ID, Name, SSN, Email, CanCall, EmailStatus
(Database Beta)
A) Inserts the email status table if it doesn't exist then returns the ID
B) Inserts the PII table if it doesn't exist then returns the ID
Insert Data
1, can_email
2, can_not_email
PII Table
1, "Johnson, John", "todays_date"
2, "Jackson, Jillian", "todays_date"
1, 1 (PII Table ID), "jjohnson@blah.com", true (can call), 1 (email status table ID)
2, 2 (PII Table ID), "jill_jack@home.com", false (can call), 2 (email status table ID)
I can't figure out how to make the "Insert Data" portion work. Help please.