I'm trying to download uru from bitbucket and try to install using vagrant with default login credentials. I'm able to download the archive. When ever I try to run the script see this error - Invalidly-formated env parameter. See documentation.
I'm able to run the script without any errors. I'm running this locally using vagrant in masterless mode. Any help is really appreciated.
- name: c:\uru-0.8.3-windows-x86.7z
- source: https://bitbucket.org/jonforums/uru/downloads/uru-0.8.3-windows-x86.7z
- source_hash: sha256=f2a7b4ed8ef6b02613b134da19a31293c7423e8fbbd8e49ec5c1c86c5f3a0815
- source: salt://ruby/files/install_uru.ps1
- shell: powershell
- env: "-ExecutionPolicy bypass"
- runas: "vagrant"
- password: "vagrant"
- require:
- file: download_uru
$cat install_uru.ps1
set-alias sz "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe"
sz x -oC: C:\uru-0.8.3-windows-x86.7z -r ;
c:\salt\salt-call.bat --version
salt-call 2016.11.3 (Carbon)
Your problem is due to the wrong format of the -env
parameter. As described in the official documentation it must be a list and you are setting a string.
Fix the install_uru
state like the code below and it will run correctly.
- source: salt://ruby/install_uru.ps1
- shell: powershell
- env:
- ExecutionPolicy: "bypass"
- runas: "vagrant"
- password: "vagrant"
- require:
- file: download_uru