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How to handle optional body with PUT or DELETE HTTP Requests (in a Play Application)?

reservation is a resource with 4 fields They are id, dataCenter, startDate, endDate

I wish to handle both types of requests:

  1. In which there is a body with a list of dataCenters

  2. In which they don't send a body (in this case I will perform the operation on all dataCenters which are present in the database).

Without body:

PUT /reservation/123/end

DELETE /reservation/123

With body:

PUT /reservation/123/end

    "dataCenters": ["AMS", "CLT"]

DELETE /reservation

    "dataCenters": ["AMS", "CLT"]

The problem being the server expects the body to be a valid JSON even when there is no body (which isn't the case when the body is empty). What would be the best way to handle this use case?


  • I found one possible solution, not a clean one, but works.

    For PUT


    For DELETE

    Action.async(parse.raw) { request =>
      val dataCenters =
            bytes =>
              if (bytes.size > 1) Json.parse(bytes.toArray).as[OptionalDatacenters]
              else OptionalDatacenters(None)