I am upgrading our Sabre EnhancedAirBookRQ from v3.1.0 to 3.8.0, I have checked with sabre api docs, but couldn't find any changes in request structure. When I call the soap api using php CURL with version changed to v3.8.0, get CURL error 22
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EnhancedAirBookRQ xmlns="http://services.sabre.com/sp/eab/v3_1" version="3.8.0" IgnoreOnError="true" HaltOnError="true">
<HaltOnStatus Code="NO" />
<HaltOnStatus Code="NN" />
<HaltOnStatus Code="UC" />
<HaltOnStatus Code="US" />
<FlightSegment FlightNumber="9862" DepartureDateTime="2017-08-28T02:10:00" NumberInParty="1" Status="NN" ResBookDesigCode="B">
<DestinationLocation LocationCode="PVG" />
<Equipment AirEquipType="73H" />
<MarketingAirline Code="MU" FlightNumber="9862" />
<OperatingAirline Code="FM" />
<OriginLocation LocationCode="KUL" />
<RedisplayReservation NumAttempts="2" WaitInterval="6000" />
<PriceRequestInformation Retain="true">
<PassengerType Code="ADT" Quantity="1" />
<PostProcessing IgnoreAfter="false">
<RedisplayReservation />
Can any body tell me whats wrong with the request?
I forgot to update the version number in xmlns attribute of EnhancedAirBookRQ element.
updating it to correct version fixed the problem.