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Webpack dynamic require gives Mixed Content error

I am trying out Webpacks dynamic require which turns whatever I require into a dynamic module and splits off the code.

import(`resources/assets/images/svg/${}.svg`).then((module) => {
    this.svg = module;
}).catch(error => 'An error occured while loading the svg');

The code is then being injected into the page with a script tag when the promise fires. Except the script tag is using http instead of https.

Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

How can I make sure that my dynamic require uses https. Is this a setting I can tweak in my webpack configuration?


It it not an http or https issue rather Webpack create a script tag without a / prefix:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" async="" src="22.js"></script>

This results in scripts being resolved to:

While it actually needs to be:

I don't know to how to solve this though.


  • Solved by using:

    output: {
        publicPath: '/'

    I hope this does not clash with anything else though.