I am trying to extract the texts of an xpath query, $x('//td[@class="first"]/a/text()')
in Chrome but then when I run this command I see text
as opposed to the actual text value of the anchor links.
When I run s.toString()
I am seeing [object Text],[object Text],[object Text],[object Text]...
How can I get their string value in the xpath?
Because $x()
returns an array of HTML or XML elements matching the given XPath expression. It is a shortcut for document.evaluate().
If you want to get exact element, just get it by position out of the array
This may be helpful: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/console/utilities#xpath-function
If you want to print(or do any other stuff) all text elements found by locator in console - you can just call forEach
$x('//a/text()').forEach(el => console.log(el))