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Getting Started with Silex Composer Project

I'm struggling around with Silex and its Project Structure. I'm using PHP for around 10 years now, but I always used tools like Np++. Now I get started with PhpStorm and I feel like a total newbie.

What I'm trying, is to create a Silex Project. After starting a new Composer Project I get the following Structure:

------[Some Silex files]
[some rootfiles]

Let's come to my problem: In my understanding, I would put my files in a folder foobar under the src folder.

The part which is not clear to me is:

  • Where to put my index.php
  • Which folders need to be uploaded
  • How to include the right files in the right place

In the past I had a project structure like:

-- config
-- includes
-- models
-- modules
-- templates
-- resources
-- js
-- [etc]
[other files]

I've been googling around for some hours and I didn't find any good explanation. Can someone give me an advice or an good tutorial? Even if it cost some bucks. It is for a new job and I would be very sad if it would fail because of such little problem. Thank you!

Answers in English or German are welcome.


  • My problem was, that I ignored the fact: Silex based on Symphony. For beginners it is mandatory, to start with Symphony !