We deployed multiple JVMs in a Linux System along with a Node.js and a mongod server instance. It is https enabled micro services architecture.
Some of the above listed processes are getting down randomly. There is no clue why they are down.
No OOM related log trace in /var/log syslog files, Is it possible for linux to kill the process other than OOM.
What are the possible syslog errors ? ( I have the complete /var/log files )
Where to look to identify the actual issue ? We have no clue on this... Sombody can help please to trace the process end to end
Assuming you are starting these JVM processes in the background, did you use nohup to make sure they ignore SIGHUP? Also it would be wise to redirect the output of these processes to the output files. E.g.
nohup node server1.js >& server1.out &
And then you can investigate in those files for any possible messages if there are any.