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Swift: How to reset simulator by running shell command

I am trying to reset the simulator after every test. I found the best way to do it, is to execute

xcrun simctl erase all

but I don't know how to add a shell command in a swift file to execute it.

I tried

import Foundation
func shell(_ args: String...) -> Int32 {
    let task = Process()
    task.launchPath = "/usr/bin/env"
    task.arguments = args
    return task.terminationStatus

But got an error, Process u\identifier not found Please help. I am trying to reset the simulators after each test.

Can I uninstall a particular application from the simulator from the command line? or any other way between each test, in the tearDown()


  • I had a similar issue and was able to resolve it with SBTUITestTunnel. I chose to use this framework as I had also had to communicate between the testing application and my actual application to configure testing states.

    With SBTUITestTunnel implemented you can specify launch options, the one you require is SBTUITunneledApplicationLaunchOptionResetFilesystem.

    app.launchTunnel(withOptions: [SBTUITunneledApplicationLaunchOptionResetFilesystem]) {
     // do additional setup before the app launches
     // i.e. prepare stub request, start monitoring requests 

    I would recommend having a look at SBTUITestTunnel as it will allow you to do some other very powerful things.