I created an RDF triple store in AllegroGraph. Now I want to run a reasoner on it using the Java API. I decided to use Pellet Reasoner (download-link). It works with the koala.owl (link).
When applying it to AllegroGraph triple store I get the following ERROR:
org.mindswap.pellet.jena.graph.loader.DefaultGraphLoader addUnsupportedFeature
WARNING: Unsupported axiom: Ignoring literal value used with ObjectProperty :
What is the problem?
Thanks a lot!
Actually I got the same problem with every triple in my database. (All of the triples were created in TopBraid Composer.)
A few more examples:
WARNING: Unsupported axiom: Ignoring triple with unknown property from RDF
namespace: owl:M80x2 @rdf:majorDiameterMax
WARNING: Unsupported axiom: Ignoring triple with unknown term from OWL
namespace: owl:1102 @rdf:type owl:Part
WARNING: Unsupported axiom: Ignoring literal value used with ObjectProperty :
WARNING: Unsupported axiom: Ignoring triple with unknown term from OWL
namespace: owl:SG_45 @rdf:type owl:Module
You get this warning because you are using literals as objects of triples that have an object property in the predicate position. When you write:
sumo:FrenchFrancCoin sumo:externalImage "http://..."^^xsd:anyURI .
you are saying that the external image of sumo:FrenchFrancCoin
is the sequence of characters h
, t
, t
, p
, :
, /
, /
, ... which is not an image. What you probably want to say is:
sumo:FrenchFrancCoin sumo:externalImage <http://...> .
that is, the image of sumo:FrrenchFrancCoin
is the thing denoted by <http://...>
, which is quite possibly an image, not a sequence of characters.
Furthermore, you are using IRIs having the owl:
namespace to define classes and instances, which is not allowed by the OWL 2 specification. All IRIs that start with the owl:
prefix are in the reserved vocabulary of OWL 2 DL (the logic that Pellet reasons with). You must not use the reserved vocabulary to define classes, individuals, properties, datatypes, or ontologies.