So I have IIB 9 and WMQ. For example there are two local queues Q1 and Q2. From Q1 messages goes to Q2. May I somehow filter how much messages in minute may go from Q1 to Q2? I want Q1 not to place more than N messages in minute to Q2, but I also don't want to lose messages from Q1 and I don't wnat to override messages in Q2. Just maybe turn off the ability to place in Q2 from Q1 for X seconds if Q1 reached it's limit.
If you are using IBM Integration Bus to build your messages flows you can do this.
MQ Input (Q1) --> Mediation --> MQ Output (Q2)
You can create a Workload Management Policy in IBM Integration Bus 9.0.
In this kind of policy you can define the processing rate and attach this to the message flow.