Search code examples

SQL Server - Windowed Functions

So, I'm in need of some help with some homework.

Below is the schema of the parts of the database that I need to use. Table Scema

I'm sure that there are some redundancies in it (I would appreciate any help with the setup as well). Anyways, here is the assignment:

  • The sales manager would now like you to create a report that ranks her products by both their total sales and total sales quantity (each will be its own column). Create a stored procedure that returns
    the following columns but also with the two new rank columns added.

    Product Name | Orders Count | Total Sales Value | Total Sales Quantity

  • The CEO would like to know the sales based on last month's sales. Please provide her with a query to rank the products by the number of orders in the last month. There should be NO SKIPPED NUMBERS.

  • Create a SELECT statement that generates a list of orders with customer id, order date, etc. ***Use the row number function to generate a unique id for each row that is sorted by order date DESC


  • Try it

    CREATE PROCEDURE report_salesmanager 
      WITH cte_main AS 
                 SELECT     p.NAME, 
                            Isnull(Count(DISTINCT o.orderid), 0)  corderid, 
                            Sum(Isnull(o.ordertotal, 0))          sordertotal, 
                            Sum (Isnull(oi.orderitemquantity, 0)) sorderitemquantity 
                 FROM       product p 
                 LEFT JOIN  orderitem oi 
                 INNER JOIN orders o 
                 ON         o.orderid - oi.orderid 
                 ON         p.productid = oi.productid 
                 GROUP BY   p.NAME), cte_rank_value AS 
               SELECT   NAME, 
                        Rank() OVER( ORDER BY sordertotal DESC) rk 
               FROM     cte_main), cte_rank_qtd AS 
               SELECT   NAME, 
                        Rank() OVER( ORDER BY sorderitemquantity DESC) rk 
               FROM     cte_main) 
      SELECT     a.NAME [Product Name], 
                 [Orders Count] a.sordertotal [Total Sales Value], 
                 b.rk [Rank Total Sales Value], 
                 a.sorderitemquantity [Total Sales Quantity], 
                 c.rk [Rank Total Sales Quantity] 
      FROM       cte_main a 
      INNER JOIN cte_rank_value b 
      ON         a.NAME = b.NAME 
      INNER JOIN cte_rank_qtd c 
      ON         a.NAME = c.NAME
    CREATE PROCEDURE report_ceo 
      DECLARE @somedateLastMonth DATE = Dateadd(-1,m,Getdate()) WITH cte_main AS 
                 SELECT     p.NAME, 
                            Isnull(Count(DISTINCT o.orderid), 0)  corderid, 
                            Sum(Isnull(o.ordertotal, 0))          sordertotal, 
                            Sum (Isnull(oi.orderitemquantity, 0)) sorderitemquantity 
                 FROM       product p 
                 INNER JOIN orderitem oi 
                 INNER JOIN orders o 
                 ON         o.orderid - oi.orderid 
                 ON         p.productid = oi.productid 
                 WHERE      Year(o.orderdate) * 100 + Month(o.orderdate) = Year(@somedateLastMonth) * 100 + Month(@somedateLastMonth)
                 GROUP BY   p.NAME), 
        cte_rank_value AS 
               SELECT   NAME, 
                        Rank() OVER( ORDER BY sordertotal DESC) rk 
               FROM     cte_main), 
        cte_rank_qtd AS 
               SELECT   NAME, 
                        Rank() OVER( ORDER BY sorderitemquantity DESC) rk 
               FROM     cte_main) 
      SELECT     a.NAME [Product Name], 
                 [Orders Count] a.sordertotal [Total Sales Value], 
                 b.rk [Rank Total Sales Value], 
                 a.sorderitemquantity [Total Sales Quantity], 
                 c.rk [Rank Total Sales Quantity] 
      FROM       cte_main a 
      INNER JOIN cte_rank_value b 
      ON         a.NAME = b.NAME 
      INNER JOIN cte_rank_qtd c 
      ON         a.NAME = c.NAME
    SELECT     Row_number() OVER (ORDER BY o.orderdate DESC, o.ordertime DESC) rowNumber ,
    FROM       product p 
    INNER JOIN orderitem oi 
    INNER JOIN orders o 
    ON         o.orderid - oi.orderid 
    ON         p.productid = oi.productid 
    INNER JOIN cart c 
    ON         c.orderid = o.orderid