I have wsdl and corresponding xsds in one folder. And i try generating binding classes with client . But i am not seeing binding classes for header as parameter in the stub that is generated.
Then it generated all binding classes and following client.
public interface SearchSoap {
@WebMethod(operationName = "PerformContentSearch", action = "http://services.my.url./search/PerformContentSearch")
@WebResult(name = "PerformContentSearchResponse", targetNamespace = "http://types.my.url./search", partName = "parameters")
public PerformContentSearchResponse performContentSearch(
@WebParam(name = "PerformContentSearch", targetNamespace = "http://types.my.url./search", partName = "parameters")
PerformContentSearch parameters)
throws SearchExceptionSoapOut
But i was expecting something like this
@WebResult(name = "PerformContentSearchResponse", targetNamespace = "http://types.my.url./search", partName = "parameters")
@WebMethod(operationName = "PerformContentSearch", action = "http://services.my.url./search/PerformContentSearch")
public PerformContentSearchResponse performContentSearch(
@WebParam(partName = "parameters", name = "PerformContentSearch", targetNamespace = "http://types.my.url./search")
PerformContentSearch parameters,
@WebParam(partName = "requestHeader", name = "requestHeader", targetNamespace = "http://types.my.url./header", header = true)
RequestHeader requestHeader
) throws SearchExceptionSoapOut;
i was expecting 'header = true' and another parameter(RequestHeader ) in this method. Please note that all these objects are created successfully but even if i have xadditionalHeaders set to true, i was hoping it would autogenerate methods with headers. And i have tried with cxf-codegen-plugin , with wsdl2java goal and -exsh arg as given below , but still no luck.
<!-- <extraarg>-impl</extraarg> -->
And my wsdl operation is like below
<portType name="SearchSoap">
<operation name="PerformContentSearch">
<input message="svc:PerformContentSearchSoapIn"/>
<output message="svc:PerformContentSearchSoapOut"/>
<fault name="fault" message="svc:SearchExceptionSoapOut"/>
And i just have header.xsd which is included in wsdl. Actually even if i have a header.xsd included in wsdl , its not mentioned in the operation ,So i was referring here and trying to find a solution , either autogenerate or add it in code. Please suggest
I was looking for any options available to generate binding classes with header parameters without manipulating wsdl.
And i didnt get any. So I had to manipulate the wsdl and add header tags to the operation. Then i generated using above command and it created expected binding classes. Note : soap:header node is added here.
<operation name="PerformContentSearch">
<soap:operation soapAction="http://services.factiva.com/search/PerformContentSearch" style="document"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<soap:header message="svc:PerformContentSearchSoapIn" part="requestHeader" use="literal"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<fault name="fault">
<soap:fault name="fault" use="literal"/>