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What am i doing wrong in trying to set these instance variables?

I seem to be getting something elementary wrong when trying to set and or access these variables in my Quote instance when i call Quote#scrape_quote. I can see that the values are scraped and saved to the scraped_values hash just fine, I just can't access the variables, when I call quote.lives for e.g. I get nil.

What am i getting wrong here?


class Quote < ApplicationRecord 
  require 'watir'
  attr_accessor :lives, :benefit, :payment

  def scrape_quote
    rows = @browser.trs
    quote_rows = rows[1..8]
    scraped_values = {}

    quote_rows.each do |row|
      scraped_values[row.tds[0].text] = row.tds[1].text

        @lives      = scraped_values[0]
        @benefit    = scraped_values[1]
        @payment    = scraped_values[2]

    puts scraped_values


  • The general case

    If you just want the values of the hash sequentially assigned to member variables, you can use parallel assignment from the hash#values return value like this:

    2.4.1 :001 > h = {}
     => {} 
    2.4.1 :002 > h[:one] = 1
     => 1 
    2.4.1 :003 > h[:two] = 2
     => 2 
    2.4.1 :004 > h[:three] = 3
     => 3 
    2.4.1 :005 > @one, @two, @three = h.values
     => [1, 2, 3] 
    2.4.1 :006 > @one
     => 1 
    2.4.1 :007 > @two
     => 2 
    2.4.1 :008 > @three
     => 3 
    2.4.1 :009 >

    Specific application

    The specific code in your case would turn into:

    class Quote < ApplicationRecord 
      require 'watir'
      attr_accessor :lives, :benefit, :payment
      def scrape_quote
        rows = @browser.trs
        quote_rows = rows[1..8]
        scraped_values = {}
        quote_rows.each do |row|
          scraped_values[row.tds[0].text] = row.tds[1].text
        @lives, @benefit, @payment = scraped_values.values
        puts scraped_values