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phpBB 3: finding additional user field in the underlying database

I use phpBB 3.0.7-PL1 (upgrading soon) with CentOS 5.5 and PostgreSQL 8.4.6 and have the following additional question shown to new users on their registration to prevent SPAM:

What is your gender please? Answers: Robot/Man/Woman

I have found the corresponding entries in the database:

pref=> select * from phpbb_profile_lang;
 field_id | lang_id | lang_name |        lang_explain         | lang_default_value
        5 |       2 | Sex       | Please specify your gender  |
(1 row)

pref=> select * from phpbb_profile_fields_lang;
 field_id | lang_id | option_id | field_type | lang_value
        5 |       2 |         0 |          5 | Robot
        5 |       2 |         1 |          5 | Man
        5 |       2 |         2 |          5 | Woman
(3 rows)

My problem is: I would like to find out now, which user is Man and which user is Woman (I need it for the game integrated in my forum in Russian language, so that I can refer to the players correctly).

But I can't find, where these values are stored, in which "phpbb_xxxx" table and field. Does anybody please know?

Thank you! Alex


  • Ok, I've found it by changing a user's gender and diffing the database dumps - it is in the table phpbb_profile_fields_data

    And I've fetched that value in index.php with:

    $sql = 'SELECT pf_sex FROM ' . 
      ' WHERE user_id=' . $user->data['user_id'];
    $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
    if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
            $pf_sex = $row['pf_sex'];