FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN ('"%SQLCMD%" -E -S %Server% -d %DestDb% -h-1 -i GetResult.sql') do (
SET Result=%%a
ECHO "%Result%"
%Result% is set to the first 256 characters of the actual result.
Is there a way I can get the entire output of the query?
SQLCMD limits variable length columns to 256 by default. The -y 0 parameter fixed this.
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN ('"%SQLCMD%" -E -S %Server% -d %DestDb% -y 0 -i GetResult.sql') do (
SET Result=%%a
ECHO "%Result%"
-h and -y parameters are mutually exclusive, so -h-1 had to be removed.