I'm trying to record using ffmpeg.exe
by starting process of it with some parameter but ffmpeg.exe
is eating my CPU two process of them comsume about 90% of my CPU
so how to reduce this usage to record about 20 cameras ???
CPU : Xeron 2.4 GHz
fps: 28
resolution : 1280X720
bitrate : 512
Format : H264
After few search to see some RTSP
Client how dose it works to build my own I found ffmpeg eating RAM and CPU because I tells it to process all images received from camera
-i rtsp://[user name]:[password]@[My IP Camera]/h264/ch1/main/av_stream -f segment -strftime 1 -segment_time 3600 -s 1280X720 -r 28 -b:v 128k -c:v libx264 [Storage Direction]/[File Name].flv
this parameter is the problem -s 1280X720 -r 28 -b:v 128k
after removing this parameter it consumes 0% of CPU and around 5 - 10 MB in RAM
-i rtsp://[user name]:[password]@[My IP Camera]/h264/ch1/main/av_stream -f segment -strftime 1 -segment_time 3600 -vcodec copy[Storage Direction]/[File Name].flv