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DoubleUpDown increment by one with Page Up and Down

I would like to extend a DoubleUpDown from the Xceed - Toolkits, so that it works with PageUp and PageDown keys. The usual increment behaviour should be incrementing by 0.1, but if I use the PgUP or PgDn Keys the number should be incremented by 1.

Any ideas?

Thanks Steve


  • You could use an KeyBinding for this.

    Assuming value of the DoubleUpDown is stored in the Value property because I don't have the xceed toolkit.

    <xctk:DoubleUpDown Value="{Binding MyValue}">
            <KeyBinding Key="PageUp"
                        Command="{Binding IncrementCommand}"/>

    In your viewmodel you bind the value to MyValue and in the IncrementCommand you increment this value.