I am trying to create an array of sheets in Excel. Each sheet has several columns and rows that need to be searched, compared, and filled accordingly. I am having trouble creating the array of sheets. I keep getting a Subscript out of range error on line #27. It happens on all 4 of the sheets if I comment out the preceding ones.
Sub news()
'activate sheets
'array of letters for the columns
Dim alpha(1 To 13) As String
alpha(1) = "a"
alpha(2) = "b"
alpha(3) = "c"
alpha(4) = "d"
alpha(5) = "e"
alpha(6) = "f"
alpha(7) = "g"
alpha(8) = "h"
alpha(9) = "i"
alpha(10) = "j"
alpha(11) = "k"
alpha(12) = "l"
alpha(13) = "m"
'array of sheets
Dim shets() As Sheets, sheetCount As Integer
Set shets(1) = Sheets("Sheet1")
Set shets(2) = Sheets("Sheet2")
Set shets(3) = Sheets("Sheet3")
Set shets(4) = Sheets("Sheet4")
'used to make sure i am not shifted and photos goes to photos, videos to videos, and compliance to compliance
Dim newShift As Integer
newShift = 7
'for loop counter variables
Dim i, j, k As Integer
'goes through the sheets
For i = 2 To sheetCount
'goes through the columns
For j = 3 To 7 Step 2
'goes through the rows
For k = 2 To ThisWorksheet.Rows.count
If (Sheets(shets(i - 1)).Cells(k, alpha(j)) = Sheets(shets(i)).Cells(k, alpha(j))) Then
Sheets(shets(i)).Cells(k, alpha(j + newShift)) = False
ElseIf (Sheets(shets(i - 1)).Cells(k, alpha(j)) < Sheets(shets(i)).Cells(k, alpha(j))) Then
Sheets(shets(i)).Cells(k, alpha(j + newShift)) = True
Sheets(shets(i)).Cells(k, alpha(j + newShift)) = "ERROR"
End If
newShift = newShift - 1
End Sub
There were quite a few questionable bits of code in what you posted above. I have gone through and re-written the offending lines, and included comments justifying why in the below code.
Not only should this fix your "out of range" error (because you didn't declare the size of your array) but it will fix the other errors you were yet to encounter (not declaring variable values, looping through every row in each worksheet, not referencing sheet objects properly, ...).
Sub news()
' No need to activate sheets
' No need for array of letters for the columns: '.Cells(row,col)' can take a number for 'col'
' Integers replaced by Longs, no real incentive to use Integer type and Long can be larger
' Array of sheets: use WorkSheet objects, not a Sheets object
Dim shets() As WorkSheet
' Remember to assign a value to sheetCount
Dim sheetCount As Long: sheetCount = 4
' Must declare the size of your array, this method keeps it generic
' could have used 'Dim shets(1 To 4) As WorkSheet'
Dim n As Long
ReDim shets(1 To sheetCount)
' Keeping with generic theme, loop over shets to define sheets, makes expanding easier
For n = 1 To sheetCount
' Fully qualify sheets by using workbook object
Set shets(n) = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet" & n)
Next n
' Used to make sure photos goes to photos, videos to videos, and compliance to compliance
Dim newShift As Long: newShift = 7
' For loop counter variables: Must specify EACH type, 'Dim i, j, k As Long' declares i and j as Variants
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
' Go through the sheets
For i = 2 To sheetCount
' Go through the columns
For j = 3 To 7 Step 2
' Go through the rows. Don't just use '.Rows' object as that includes all unused rows in sheet!
' Also using one of the sheet objects, as 'ThisWorksheet' doesn't exist
For k = 2 To shets(i).UsedRange.Rows.Count
' Don't access sheet objects using 'Sheets(shets(..))', simply use 'shets(..)'
If shets(i - 1).Cells(k, j) = shets(i).Cells(k, j) Then
shets(i).Cells(k, j + newShift).Value = False
ElseIf shets(i - 1).Cells(k, j) < shets(i).Cells(k, j) Then
shets(i).Cells(k, j + newShift).Value = True
shets(i).Cells(k, j + newShift).Value = "ERROR"
End If
newShift = newShift - 1
End Sub