In TagHelpers we usually have a property called asp-for to connect the TagHelper to a Model property.
I created a custom TagHelper, and added a property like a asp-for:
[HtmlTargetElement("myinput", TagStructure = TagStructure.WithoutEndTag)]
public class MyInputTagHelper : TagHelper {
public ModelExpression Field { get; set; }
Normally, if the bound model is a complex type with subclasses and I need the full path to that property, I can get the full access path by evaluating System.Linq.Expressions.Expression. How can I achive this with ModelExpression?
I Have a model:
public class PersonVM
public Person Person { get; set; }
and in .cshtml:
@model PersonVM
<myinput field="Person.PersonAddress.City"/>
In the TagHelper MyInputTagHelper, I need the full request path. In this example it would be "Person.PersonAddress.City". All I could get is "City" via Field.Metadata.PropertyName.
Ok I got it, the original expression is saved in