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Multiple date range selection with custom views in swift 3

i need to develop the calendar like this attached image.i search lot of libraries.but no one is similar to this custom selection view.please some one help me.thank you..

enter image description here


  • I think you use this library : Koyomi

    Select date in programmatically

    You can select specific date.

    let today = Date()
    var components = DateComponents() = 7
    let weekLaterDay = components, toDate: today) today, to: weekLaterDay)
    // If want to select only one day. today)
    // If want to select multiple day.
    let dates: [Date] = [date1, date2, date3] dates)

    You can also unselect available.

    koyomi.unselect(today, to: weekLaterDay) 
    // If want to unselect only one day.
    // If want to unselect multiple day.
    let dates: [Date] = [date1, date2, date3]
    koyomi.unselect(dates: dates)
    // unselect all date
    // You can also call this delegate.    
    extension ViewController: KoyomiDelegate {
        func koyomi(_ koyomi: Koyomi, didSelect date: Date?, forItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
            print("You Selected: \(date)")
        func koyomi(_ koyomi: Koyomi, currentDateString dateString: String) {
            currentDateLabel.text = dateString
        func koyomi(_ koyomi: Koyomi, shouldSelectDates date: Date?, to toDate: Date?, withPeriodLength length: Int) -> Bool {
            if length > invalidPeriodLength {
                print("More than \(invalidPeriodLength) days are invalid period.")
                return false
            return true

    it's work for me. you can try that library.