The package httr
provides CURL wrappers in R (see package documentation).
I'm brand new to HTTP and APIs. My trouble is getting oauth2.0 authentication to work. I have tried various syntax and get either errors or status 401.
What is the correct way to use an oauth2.0 token and make a GET()
request using httr
# Set UP
url = "https://canvas.{institution}.edu/api/v1/courses"
key = "{secret_key}"
# 1
GET(url, sign_oauth2.0(key))
# Error: Deprecated: supply token object to config directly
# 2
GET(url, config(sign_oauth2.0 = key))
# unknown option: sign_oauth2.0
# 3
GET(url, config = list(sign_oauth2.0 = key))
# Status 401
In this particular use case—working with the Canvas API—additional information is required in the header of the request.
Using the GET
function from the httr
R package, use the add_header
parameter to supply the argument including your oauth2 key.
Use Option 1 if you don't want to hard code your key into the request (recommended). Or, use Option 2 and insert the key as a string. But in both cases, "Bearer " precedes the key.
# Set Up
url = "https://canvas.{institution}.edu/api/v1/courses"
key = "{secret_key}"
GET(url, add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", key, sep = " ")))
courses.request = GET(url, add_headers(Authorization = "Bearer {secret_key}"))
#Further Explanations
Can anyone else explain other reasons why the OP's examples didn't work?