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Why Local Functions generate IL different from Anonymous Methods and Lambda Expressions?

Why the C# 7 Compiler turns Local Functions into methods within the same class where their parent function is. While for Anonymous Methods (and Lambda Expressions) the compiler generates a nested class for each parent function, that will contain all of its Anonymous Methods as instance methods ?

For example, C# code (Anonymous Method):

internal class AnonymousMethod_Example
    public void MyFunc(string[] args)
        var x = 5;
        Action act = delegate ()

Will produce IL Code (Anonymous Method) similar to:

.class private auto ansi beforefieldinit AnonymousMethod_Example
    .class nested private auto ansi sealed beforefieldinit '<>c__DisplayClass0_0'
        .field public int32 x

        .method assembly hidebysig instance void '<MyFunc>b__0' () cil managed 
            call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(int32)

While this, C# code (Local Function):

internal class LocalFunction_Example
    public void MyFunc(string[] args)
        var x = 5;
        void DoIt()

Will generate IL Code (Local Function) similar to:

.class private auto ansi beforefieldinit LocalFunction_Example
    .class nested private auto ansi sealed beforefieldinit '<>c__DisplayClass0_0' extends [mscorlib]System.ValueType
        .field public int32 x

    .method public hidebysig instance void MyFunc(string[] args) cil managed 
        stfld int32 LocalFunction_Example/'<>c__DisplayClass1_0'::x
        call void LocalFunction_Example::'<MyFunc>g__DoIt1_0'(valuetype LocalFunction_Example/'<>c__DisplayClass1_0'&)

    .method assembly hidebysig static void '<MyFunc>g__DoIt0_0'(valuetype LocalFunction_Example/'<>c__DisplayClass0_0'& '') cil managed 
        call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(int32)

Note that DoIt function has turned into a static function in the same class as its parent function. Also the enclosed variable x has turned into a field in a nested struct (not nested class as in the Anonymous Method example).


  • Anonymous methods stored in delegates may be called by any code, even code written in different languages, compiled years before C# 7 came out, and the CIL generated by the compiler needs to be valid for all possible uses. This means in your case, at the CIL level, the method must take no parameters.

    Local methods can only be called by the same C# project (from the containing method, to be more specific), so the same compiler that compiles the method will also be handled to compile all calls to it. Such compatibility concerns as for anonymous methods therefore don't exist. Any CIL that produces the same effects will work here, so it makes sense to go for what's most efficient. In this case, the re-write by the compiler to enable the use of a value type instead of a reference type prevents unnecessary allocations.