When I update the "item.MaxLength" value it does not affect the output and still shows the original value as md-maxlength. What is wrong with my code? thanks.
Input-1: I expect it to change md-maxlength value accoding to "input-2"
<input type="text" ng-model="item.Desc" md-maxlength="{{item.MaxLength}}">
Input-2: That I want to control the input-1 md-maxlength with "item.MaxLength"
<input type="number" ng-model="item.MaxLength">
Apparently there's hardly a way to update md-maxlength value dynamically. But there's workaround for your issue. You can just delete & re-render the input element after changing the value of length setting field. add ng-if
on md-input-container
& change its value accordingly change in length field by using $watch or using ng-change function on length field.
<md-input-container ng-if="showN">
<input type="text" md-maxlength='{{view.len}}' ng-model="view.name" />
<input type="number" ng-model="view.len" />
And in controller have:
$scope.$watch('view.len', function(n,o){
$scope.showN = false;
$scope.showN = true;
Working plunker: https://plnkr.co/edit/fLh0VfuTUjjmGo8PRioy?p=preview