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Dancer2 strange behaviour on get protocol

I'm building a webapp using dancer2 as backend tool. I've implemented the main method as follow:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Dancer2;

get '/mything/:text' => sub {
    my @myArray = ("");
    # Fill the array with DB data;
    return join "<br>", @myArray;


Everything is fine until the second time get method is used. Insted of @myArray being empty, its filled with the from the first execution.

As a dirty fix, I initialize @myArray to ("") at the end of the method, but I think that is ugly. Have you any experience on this?


  • Problem was related to not using perl in strict mode. The code as it was, was working properly in OSX 11.1 but not in Ubuntu 16.04. So after some tests, I found that some variables that I use to fill the array from the DB weren't properly initialized. After initialize them, everything is working as it should in OSX and Ubuntu.