I am using C++Builder XE4 32bit VCL platform. I am writing for Windows OS.
I have a MainForm with a lot of components on it. When I press a keyboard arrow key and the Form's OnShortCut
event is triggered, how do I determine which component has the program focus?
I have different actions which must be taken based on which component has the focus.
void __fastcall TMainForm::FormShortCut(TWMKey &Msg, bool &Handled)
//determine which component has the focus.
Use the global Screen->ActiveControl
Indicates which control currently has input focus on the screen.
to learn which windowed control object in the active form currently receives the input from the keyboard.
void __fastcall TMainForm::FormShortCut(TWMKey &Msg, bool &Handled)
TWinControl *ctrl = Screen->ActiveControl;
if (ctrl == Control1)
// do something...
else if (ctrl == Control2)
// do something else...
// and so on...
Or, you can use the Form's own ActiveControl
Specifies the control that has focus on the form.
to get or set the control that has focus on the form. Only one control can have focus at a given time in an application.If the form does not have focus,
is the control on the form that will receive focus when the form receives focus.
void __fastcall TMainForm::FormShortCut(TWMKey &Msg, bool &Handled)
TWinControl *ctrl = this->ActiveControl;
if (ctrl == Control1)
// do something...
else if (ctrl == Control2)
// do something else...
// and so on...