I have two components that are not parent Components and those are child components but I need to pass data from component A to component B. example: component A.ts has an array of data example :
my data [
{'name':'some a','email':'some [email protected]','grades':{}},
{'name':'some b','email':'some [email protected]','grades':{}}
need to pass that my data to component B.ts
If they don't have a parent/child relationship, the best way is a shared service injected into the constructors of A and B.
constructor(private sharingService: SharingService) { }
public myArray = [];
func() {
import { Injectable, } from '@angular/core';
constructor() {}
private array = [];
save(array) {
this.array = array;
fetch() {
return this.array;
constructor(private sharingService: SharingService) { }
public yourArray = this.sharingService.fetch();
There's a good tutorial on services and component interaction on the Angular site.