I looked at the ASM code of a release build with all optimizations turned on, and here is one of the inlined function I came across:
0061F854 mov eax,[$00630bec]
0061F859 mov eax,[$00630e3c]
0061F85E mov edx,$00000001
0061F863 mov eax,[eax+edx*4]
0061F866 cmp byte ptr [eax],$01
0061F869 jnz $0061fa83
The code is pretty easy to understand, it builds an offset (1) into a table, compares the byte value from it to 1 and do a jump if NZ. I know the pointer to my table is stored in $00630e3c, but I have no idea where $00630bec is coming from.
Why is there two move to eax one after the other? Isn't the first one overwritten by the second one? Can this be a cache optimization thing or am I missing something unbelievably obvious/obscure?
The Delphi code for the above ASM is as follow:
if( TGameSignals.IsSet( EmitParticleSignal ) = True ) then [...]
IsSet() is an inlined class function and calls the inlined IsSet() function of TSignalManager:
class function TGameSignals.IsSet(Signal: PBucketSignal): Boolean;
Result := FSignalManagerInstance.IsSet( Signal );
The final IsSet of the signal manager is as such:
function TSignalManagerInstance.IsSet( Signal: PBucketSignal ): Boolean;
Result := Signal.Pending;
My best guess would be that $00630bec is a reference to the class TGameSignals. You can check it by doing
ShowMessage(IntToHex(NativeInt(TGameSignals), 8))
The pre-optimisation code was probably something like this
0061F854 mov eax,[$00630bec] //Move reference to class TGameSignals in EAX
0061F859 mov eax,[eax + $250] //Move Reference to FSignalManagerInstance at offset $250 in class TGameSignals in EAX
the compiler optimised [eax + $250]
to [$00630e3c]
, but didn't realize the previous MOV wasn't required anymore.
I'm not an expert in codegen, so take it with a grain of salt...
On a side note, in delphi, we usually write
if TGameSignals.IsSet( EmitParticleSignal ) then
As it's possible for the following IF to be true
var vBool : Boolean
vBool := Boolean(10);
if vBool and (vBool <> True) then
Granted, this is not good practice, but no point in comparing to TRUE either.
EDIT: As pointed out by Ped7g, I was wrong. The instruction is
0061F854 mov eax,[$00630bec]
and not
0061F854 mov eax,$00630bec
So what I wrote didn't really make sense...
The first MOV instruction serve to pass the "self" reference for the call to TGameSignals.IsSet
. Now, if the function wasn't inline, it would look like this :
mov eax,[$00630bec]
call TGameSignals.IsSet
and then
mov eax,[$00630e3c]
The first mov is still pointless, since "Self" isn't used in TGameSignals.IsSet
but it is still required to pass "self" to the function. When the routine get inlined, it looks a lot more silly, indeed.
Like mentioned by Arnaud Bouchez, making TGameSignals.IsSet
static remove the implicit Self parameter and thus, remove the first MOV operation.